“He Could Have, But Didn’t”
By Zach Wood
Philippians 2:5-7 NIV
In your relationships
with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus; Who, being in very
nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own
advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a
servant, being made in human likeness.
I want you all to ponder something for a few moments. Imagine if you were promoted in your job to
the highest position possible and given authority over everyone you used to
work with. How would that change the way
you feel about everyone who works beneath you?
How would that change the way you feel about yourself? There would be a feeling of celebration for
sure! We would all probably be filled
with many emotions at the thought of being in charge of all the employees.
With this new position of authority, there also may be some
temptations to take advantage of the people who work under you. Would you treat them as you would want to be
treated or do you think you’d be tempted to boss them around and make them do
everything you want? Don’t answer that
too fast. Even if you couldn’t imagine
yourself like that, strange things can happen if we were ever given the highest
position in a company and the complete authority to tell people to do what we
want and how we want it done.
I hope that if we were all given this situation, that we
would choose to do our best to make employees feel respected and appreciated,
but never to take the advantage of bossing them around in a mean way. Many people in high positions do just this
because it gives them a feeling of power and boosts their ego big time!
Think about Jesus for a few moments in this way. We know He never would have done that to
people, but He had all authority from God.
He could have really taken advantage of the authority His Father gave
Him and treated people terrible. Imagine
how that would have changed how we look at the Bible?? He did NOT use this authority and power in
His position of Son of God to treat people wrong. He did just the opposite! He became a servant. Why?
So that people would see just how the character of God really is and
what love truly looks like in serving others.
I find it amazing that Jesus could have abused His
authority, but that’s not what He was sent to do. He was sent to love and serve and die for
us. He could have chosen to treat us as
slaves and boss us around, but instead He loved us. He loved us enough He went to the Cross to
prove it.
He was the epitome of love and servanthood.
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