Thursday, November 14, 2024


 YouTube Channel Video Devo


Genesis 21:1-3 NIV

Now the Lord was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did for Sarah what he had promised. Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him. 


As I was waiting at a stop light recently, I was thinking about how much we often wait for things in life.  Through our years of life, we do so much waiting.  Sometimes we wait for a long time, other times we don’t.  Who likes waiting for anything??  None of us!  Waiting usually involves getting ancy and worrying and a number of other various emotions.


We wait on so many things.


We wait for test scores, whether school or medical.

We wait for someone to get out of surgery.

We wait at a stop light.

We wait at a roundabout.

We wait in a grocery store line.

We wait in a regular retail checkout line.

We want for a company to review our resume.

We wait for an interview.

We wait to hear back from an interview.

We wait for our child to be born.

We wait a slow person in front of us.

We wait for a webpage to load.

We wait for our food in a restaurant.

We wait for medicine to take effect.

We wait for our tax return.


The list could literally go on and on and on.  We.  Wait.  For.  So.  Many.  Things. 

No wonder so many of us become impatient so often.  This is something I have struggled with all my life.  I’m a little better, but I’ve got a long way to go!  Sometimes, I feel like I’m getting more patient, while other times I’m failing miserably.


Life experiences for all of us include much, much waiting in various ways.  Sometimes, it really good for us to wait.  It’s really good for us when we learn to wait for something.  Often times, we discover the wait is well worth it when we do wait for something.  Recently, I waited 5.5 months to run a 5K that I had trained for.  The waiting was hard, but the race came and went and it was amazing!  I was so glad I had the time to wait and train my body.  Now I look to train for future race somewhere! 


Waiting can really build character and perseverance.  Like the old saying goes, “Good things come to those who wait”.  Even though it’s hard, God rewards us so often when we are patient and wait for great things to come!

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