Monday, April 10, 2023

It Is Finished

 YouTube Video Devo

“It Is Finished”

John 19:30 NIV

When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.”  With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.


I don’t know about you, but I am a person who likes to begin a project and see it through till the end.  I don’t like starting something and not finishing it.  Drives me crazy.  It has happened more times that I would like and there’s still many projects around my house that have remained unfinished.  Life happens and you just get distracted and say you’ll get to finish some day.


Many of us like the feeling of finishing something we start.  There’s a great sense of accomplishment when we finish something we have worked on for a short period of time or a long period of time.  We really like watching the HGTV shows of home renovations and also the show of Building Off The Grid that shows people putting in way more than expected hours, days and months to build a home they’ve envisioned for years.


When we finish a project, it’s great to say the words, “It is finished.”  There’s nothing like that feeling of accomplishment. 


As we have just celebrated Easter weekend, I so often think of the words spoken in John where Jesus said “It Is Finished.”  Those are VERY powerful words.  He came with a mission and completed it.  But it wasn’t just like any mission most people would embark on.  HGTV has nothing on what Jesus did!  No mission on earth by any human being could ever be greater than His mission.  Jesus had the greatest mission and when He completed it, it was literally earth moving.  The temple veil tore I two and we gained direct access to the Throne of God! 


There’s an old Petra song I really like and this past weekend, it came back to mind as it does every year at Easter.  The song is “It Is Finished.”  There is no accomplishment in all of life that could ever be as great as what Jesus did for us on the Cross. 


His mission was completed.  The mission is now passed down to us to carry on.  We must carry His mission out and spread the Good News!  His death was just the beginning of amazing things He would continue to do in the lives of so many who accept Him! 


As David Phelps' song says, “This was the end of the beginning.”

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