Sunday, September 15, 2019

Lord, Please Show Me

“Lord, Please Show Me”
By Zach Wood
Psalm 25:4-5 NLT
Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow.
Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me.  All day long I put my hope in you.

Each morning I get up during the week, I have my alone time with God, asking Him to direct my day and give me wisdom.  However, so often the actual way I live my day tends to look different.  I often try to flow with my own understanding by doing things my way.  I try to figure things out by myself and I don’t ask for help as often as I should.

Think about all the times in our lives when we ask others for guidance and wisdom.  We ask teachers, moms, dads, siblings, grandparents, mentors and others for advice.  This is how we learn.  Others teach us and then we continue to learn by doing things through our own experience of successes and mistakes. 

If we are really sincere about learning something, we will do our best and try hard to soak in as much wisdom as possible from whoever is teaching us.  We will devote time and attention to making sure we get things right.  We do mess up, but then we learn from those mistakes and figure out how to continue to do things better with less mistakes. 

The important phrase here is “Please show me”.  We say this to people after we have tried on our own and then realize that we need someone to help us.  How often do you use this phrase and allow someone else to show you how to do something?  No matter what age we are, we need people to help us learn and grow in certain areas.  We need to be humbled and realize we need help with some things and can’t do them on our own.

Is this our prayer in our lives with God?  Do we come to Him each day and ask, “Lord, please show me”?  Do we humbly come to Him and ask Him to guide us and give us His wisdom for the day?  There are so many situations and experiences we don’t know how to handle.  God is waiting for us to say, “Lord, please show me”.  He longs for us to ask Him and to see His wisdom. 

Only God knows the path we need to take each day.  He will guide us in the truth and point to where we need to go.  Are we willing to let go of our own understanding and ways and let Him lead?  I know that I need to let Him lead a lot more in my life.  How about you?

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