Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Joy Of Feeling Alive

“The Joy Of Feeling Alive”
By Zach Wood
Psalm 40:8-10 NLT
I take joy in doing your will, my God, for your instructions are written on my heart.”  I have told all your people about your justice.  I have not been afraid to speak out, as you, O Lord, well know.  I have not kept the good news of your justice hidden in my heart; I have talked about your faithfulness and saving power.  I have told everyone in the great assembly of your unfailing love and faithfulness.

One of the commercials on TV that has caught my attention is from Mazda.  Every car company has some catchy slogan as a way of drawing us in to experience something great with their vehicles.  Well, with Mazda, my attention was drawn to their slogan of “Feel Alive”. 

We all want to feel alive, don’t we?  We want to feel excitement in our lives and experience a life like no other.  We want to experience great things in our lives and enjoy the great moments.  Who wouldn’t??  We all want to experience great things.  As I kept thinking about that phrase, “Feel Alive”, I could not help but to consider the lives we have in Christ.  Jesus Christ truly gives us joy like no other.  No matter what the world tries to offer us, there is absolutely no greater joy than serving Him and knowing Him.  He gives us the joy to truly “Feel Alive”!

Do you want to really feel alive?  Well, as much as I like Mazda’s slogan because it is catchy, I really doubt that will “Feel Alive” just by purchasing their vehicles.  There is no material possession that can give me an alive feeling more than knowing Jesus Christ.  Nothing.

Do you want to feel alive?  Do you want to experience a joy that is greater than any experience the world can offer?  No doubt we can enjoy many things in life, but there is no lasting joy like what Jesus can do for us.  The world cannot and will never be able to compare to Him.  Do we take great joy in doing God’s will?  Do we take great joy in obeying Him?  Do we take great joy in following what He calls us to do?  Do we take great joy in speaking out for Him, spreading His Good News and proclaiming His faithfulness? 

Friends, the only way to really “Feel Alive” is to know the joy that comes from the Lord.  There is no everlasting joy except through Him.  Whatever so-called joy you might be trying to find in the world, you won’t find it.  It will always fail you in some way.  The only true joy that makes us feel truly alive is through Christ.  This doesn’t mean that life will be peachy and roses when we do follow Christ.  He never promised a life of no problems.  However, through those times of trouble, we can find true joy and comfort in Him. 

Knowing Jesus is truly the way to feel alive!

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