Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Convinced Of God's Love

“Convinced Of God’s Love”
By Zach Wood
Romans 8:38-39 (NIV)
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

It certainly takes a lot of convincing these days to actually believe things people tell us.  It is hard for us many times to take what people say for face value.  There are so many crazy things people try to convince us of and we spend time trying to decide whether these things are legitimate or not.  People certainly try very hard in this day and age to get us to believe anything.  Whether it be on the radio, TV, internet or other various media sources, people are trying to convince us of one thing or another.

We often find ourselves being convinced by something and then finding out it is all a hoax.  We feel dumb that we fell for whatever false info we bought into and believed.  The more we get pressured to believe something, the more we tend to become leery that it is actually something legitimate.  Often we just feel it is someone trying to get us convinced through their marketing scheme.

We also struggle in life with the convincing that our enemy puts in our path to make us feel we are failures and we are no good to God because of what we have done in life.  The enemy is very good and deceiving in convincing us that no matter what we do, our failures will define us.  He constantly tries to convince us that we have done something so bad that God does not love us anymore or will not continue to extend forgiveness.  He is good at making us feel worthless and unlovable. 

Let us all take a valuable lesson and encouragement here from the Apostle Paul.  He became convinced that nothing in all the world could ever take us away from the love that God has for us.  No matter what our enemy tries to convince us of regarding our past failures and things we continue to struggle with, God’s message to us is that He sincerely loves us and sent Jesus Christ to die for us.  That love is stronger than anything the enemy throws our way.  We need to hold on to the promise that God’s love cuts through anything the enemy tries to convince us of.

Are you convinced?

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